Hair loss is a woman's greatest nightmare because it is one of her most precious ornaments. Anaemia, a decrease in oestrogen levels, menopause, and other infections or diseases may cause women to lose their hair for a number of reasons. You lose between 100-150 hairs a day on average. This is a natural hair cycle in which old hair falls out and new hair grows in. A woman generally discovers that she is losing more hair than she should after 20-25 per cent scalp hair loss. PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that affects a significant percentage of teenage girls and young women. PCOS causes irregular cycles and high levels of male hormones in women. In this state, testosterone is transformed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which clogs hair follicles and disrupts the natural hair growth process. Essentially, it allows the hair to reach the resting period faster than it should. As a result, the hair gets thinner and thinner with each growth process. The hair...