People enjoy their hair more than any other aspect of their body, as strange as that might sound. Although both men and women are experiencing an increase in male and female pattern baldness, adequate intake of certain basic vitamins and minerals is critical to promoting hair development. Hair Transplant Clinics in Delhi Vitamin A: Vitamin A, which is high in antioxidants, helps to prevent hair loss and gives the hair a shinier, healthier appearance. To keep your Vitamin A levels up and your scalp moisturised, eat foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, milk, peaches, mangoes, and other fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is one of the best vitamins for hair growth because of its antioxidant and moisturising effects. It improves blood and oxygen flow to the scalp and aids in the repair of damaged hair follicles. Fish and meat, almonds and peanuts, sunflower vegetable oils, and leafy greens and fruits are only a few examples of vitamin E-rich foods. Vitami...